Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Grade 4 : Length Unit Part 2

 Dear readers , here's the latest updates for the grade 4 : so those 2 days who passed we were working on converting numbers and out of sudden a student this morning came to me and told me "miss look at this idea" 
Those were her words : "Miss which one is easier , to go down the stairs , or to go up ? Of course my answer was to go down , and when we go down , we multiply right ? Yes we do ....well and the easiest operation is to multiply so in order to remember how to work in the length unit table we can remember the next :
The easiest way to walk on the stairs is to go down and at the same time the easiest operation is to multiply x 10 each time we convert And to go up the stairs which is harder , we divide /10 each time we convert up !

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